
Software in harmony with your melody


#100daysofpractice: Hilary Hahn’s creation, inspiration, and the impact on practice during the pandemics

Hello back! This time I bring a fresh new graph: the initial analysis of the #100daysofpractice dataset (1). After all the work to fetch the almost half a million posts’ data from Instagram, it was a relief to look at it more closely and see that it apparently makes sense—strongly suggesting that we may move…

Dataset release: 450,000 Instagram posts with the hashtag #100daysofpractice

Hello! I’m glad to announce the release of 100daysofpractice-dataset! Below you’ll find the description of the dataset. Data from Instagram posts with the hashtag #100daysofpractice. The file (40 MB) contains data from 450,000 Instagram posts with the hashtag #100daysofpractice. contains two files: posts.csv, which contains the posts data, and metadata.txt, which contains the…

#100daysofpractice: 450k shortcodes (and post data!)

Hello! After a slight change in the strategy used to obtain the shortcodes, I was able to fetch way more data from the post, including user who posted it date when it was posted number of likes, and hashtags (completes post caption), among others. This data will have to be anonymized before it is released,…

On the shoulders of giants

This expression got fame with Newton in the 1600’s, but it had been used already as early as the 1100’s¹. Here at Bits4Waves we usually don’t immediately dismiss ideas that linger for 1000 years or so—we try to learn from them, if possible! That’s why today’s activity is so gratifying… We’ve been collecting shortcodes of…

Let’s Make(file) it more replicable! Part 2

Hello back! So, to make things more replicable, yesterday we worked on the Makefile. Today we’ll continue this work! In retrospect, I realized it’s not the best practice to set the Python virtual environment in the Makefile, as not every user may want to do that (or maybe not specifically that way.) Let’s start fixing…

Let’s Make(file) it more replicable!

Hello! I’m Eglur, and this is my first authored post here (all the previous ones were also written by me, but this is the first with my name, so I felt it was appropriate to introduce myself). Nice to meet you! How have you been? Now where were we…? Oh yes, replicability! Here at Bits4Waves…

Fetch the data from the shortcodes

Hello! Here at Bits4Waves things got a special detour yesterday. Dealing with all this data turned out to be really brain-teasing! This resulted in a lot—literally dozens—of ideas and also questions. So yesterday there was a “pause-and-assess” moment to develop some tools to deal with all this info. (If you like Emacs and Org, you…

#100daysofpractice dataset: shortcodes arrived!

Hello! How have you been? Here at Bits4Waves we have been working on a new dataset! This is very exciting, as this is the very first dataset we’ll produce for the community! It will be all about Music, especially Resonance… But that will have to wait a bit more before it’s revealed to the world……

Simple pitch detection in Python with CREPE

Today’s task is to detect the pitch of a sound sample using CREPE in Python. According to the documentation, we could install it with pip: pip install –upgrade tensorflow pip install crepe Now let’s test CREPE. It can be used via command line, or from inside a Python script. Let’s start with the “command line”…

Hello from (with?) Org2Blog! Get the blogging rolling!

Hello! It’s been a while, and lots of things have happened here at Bits4Waves! We want to keep you up to date, and a good way to do that is via our blog! To make things easier (thus flowing!), we’ll make use of all the help we can get. For now, it means using Org2Blog:…


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